
Mi., 15.05.2024, 18:00 – 19:30 Uhr | Bielefeld

The resposibility of Scientists, Lecturers, Film Makers and Students to learn about the German genocide against the members oft the Majimaji-Movement 1905-1907

Guests: Dr. Sakina Faru, Dr. Charles Sanaane | Host: Prof. Dr. Claus Melter

Input Claus Melter: How different groups can contribute to a respectful and dialogical ways of learning about and remember this historical german crime killing up to 300.000 human beings? This speech will be held in English and German. Diskussion with Dr. Sakina Faru and Dr. Charles Sanaane

Dr. Sakina Faru is lecturer at Saint Augustine University of Tanzania; Post-Doctoral fellow at Vechta University (October, 2021 – April, 2022); and from April to September, 2022 was visiting fellow at Hochschule Bielefeld, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany. Dr. Sakina Faru teaches undergraduate and post-graduate students in Journalism and Mass Communication. Courses with particular interest include Research Methods for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as Audience Research. She is involved in research and publications in Gender and Diversity, Journalism and Mass Communication and Cultural Anthropology and is member of Gender Desk and Matron of Peer Educators at SAUT.

Dr. Charles Saanane is former academic member of staff at the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, University of Dar es Salaam. Currently, Dr. Saanane is an adjunct fellow in Department of Archaeology and History, University of Dodoma. His main teaching and research interests together with areas of specialization include History, Archaeology, and Palaeontology (encompassing human evolution, dinosaur works and Forensic Anthropology). He is founding and Executive Committee member of Eastern African Association for Palaeoanthropologists and Palaeontologists. His research collaborations with international scientists have carried him as far as at world famous palaeoanthropological sites - Olduvai Gorge, Laetoli and Makuyuni.

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The resposibility of Scientists, Lecturers, Film Makers and Students to learn about the German genocide against the members oft the Majimaji-Movement 1905-1907
Mittwoch, 15.05.2024
18:00 – 19:30 Uhr
Hochschule Bielefeld, main building, B 239
Interaktion 1, 33619 Bielefeld, Germany
International Week 2024
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