
Mi., 15.05.2024, 12:00 – 13:30 Uhr | Bielefeld

Women's movements as agents of social and political transformation

Guest: Asst. Prof. Bader Madi | Host: Prof. Dr. Diana Jost, Dr. Silke Schneider

The Palestinian women have a rich history of defending their rights as integral part of Palestinian society. They have been very active and advocate women rights, social justice, political participation and women empowerment. Palestinian women have faced many challenges in their lives where those challenges shaped their behaviors as women living under occupation, living in refugees camp, and in the diaspora. 

Bader Al-Madi, Assistant professor at German Jordanian University, Gain his Ph.D from Brigham Young University, USA. MA from Jordan University in Political science/international relation. He finished his BA from Al-Yarmouk university north of Jordan in History and politics. Dr Bader taught at the university of Jordan in political science department from 2009-2020 and then he joined GJU as head of the migration and refugees MA program. Dr Bader has different publications in Terrorism, media, and migration and refugees.

Target group: Studierende Master Sozialwissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeits- und Transformationsstudien/ Students Master of Social Science Sustainability and Transformation Studies

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Women's movements as agents of social and political transformation
Mittwoch, 15.05.2024
12:00 – 13:30 Uhr
Hochschule Bielefeld, main building, B 344
Interaktion 1, 33619 Bielefeld, Germany
International Week 2024
internationale Studierende